Vi - Z
Viburnum lantana | Schneeball Wolliger | Wayfaring Tree | Caprifoliaceae |
Viburnum opulus | Schneeball Gewöhnlicher | Highbush Cranberry | Caprifoliaceae |
Viburnum rhytidophyllum | Schneeball Runzelblättriger | Leatherleaf- Viburnum | Caprifoliaceae |
Viburnum tinus | Schneeball Lorbeer | Laurustinus Viburnum | Caprifoliaceae |
Vicia abbreviata | Wicke Verkürzte | Shortened Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia altissima | Wicke Hohe | Tall Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia amphicarpa | Wicke Verschiedenfrüchtige | Subterranean Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia angustifolia | Wicke Schmalblättrige | Narrow- Leaf Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia argentea | Wicke Silber | Silvery Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia articulata | Wicke Einblütige | Oneflower Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia benghalensis | Wicke Bengalische | Purple Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia biennis | Wicke Zweijährige | Biennial Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia bifoliolata | Wicke Zweiblättrige | Two- leaved Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia bithynica | Wicke Bithynische | Bithnian Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia cassia | Wicke Zypriotische | Cyprus Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia cassubica | Wicke Kassuben | Kashubian Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia cordata | Wicke Herzblättrige | Heart- leaved Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia cracca | Wicke Vogel | Bird Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia cretica | Wicke Kretische | Cretan Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia cusnae | Wicke Monte Cusna | Monte Cusna Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia cuspidata | Wicke Smyrna | Smyrna Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia dalmatica | Wicke Dalmatische | Bramble Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia dasycarpa | Wicke Bunte | Fodder Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia davisii | Wicke Davis' | Davis's Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia disperma | Wicke Zweisamige | Two- seeded Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia dumetorum | Wicke Hecken | Purple Wood Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia eriocarpa | Wicke Wollsamige | Woolyseeded Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia ervilia | Wicke Linsen | Bitter Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia faba | Wicke Acker | Fava Bean | Fabaceae |
Vicia galilaea | Wicke Galiläische | Galilean Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia glauca | Wicke Blaugrüne | Glaucous Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia giacominiana | Wicke Giacominis | Giacomini's Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia grandiflora | Wicke Großblütige | Large Yellow Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia hirsuta | Wicke Rauhaarige | Tiny Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia hybrida | Wicke Bastard | Hairy Yellow Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia incana | Wicke Graue | Grey Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia incisa | Wicke Eingeschnittene | Incised Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia johannis | Wicke Johannes | Johannis Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia laeta | Wicke Barbazitas | Barbazita's Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia lathyroides | Wicke Platterbesen | Spring Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia leucantha | Wicke Weißliche | Brown- fruited Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia loiseleurii | Wicke Loiseurs | Loiseur's Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia lunata | Wicke Halbmondförmige | Lunate Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia lutea | Wicke Gelbe | Smooth Yellow Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia melanops | Wicke Grünblütige | Black- eyed Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia macrocarpa | Wicke Großfrüchtige | Largefruit Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia microphylla | Wicke Kleinblättrige | Small- leaved Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia monantha | Wicke Einblütige | Barn Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia monardi | Wicke Baetische | Monardes Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia narbonensis | Wicke Maus | French Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia ochroleuca | Wicke Gelblichweiße | Creamish Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia onobrychioides | Wicke Esparsetten | Sanfoin Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia oroboides | Wicke Walderbsen | Pale Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia orobus | Wicke Heide | Upright Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia palaestina | Wicke Palästina | Palestine Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia pannonica ssp. pannonica | Wicke Ungarische | Striped Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia pannonica ssp. striata | Wicke Gestreifte | Striped Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia parviflora | Wicke Zierliche | Slender Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia peregrina | Wicke Fremde | Wandering Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia pinetorum | Wicke Kiefernwald | Pinewood Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia pisiformis | Wicke Erbsen | Pea- flowered Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia pseudocracca | Wicke Falsche Vogel | False- Bird- Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia pubescens | Wicke Flaum | Pubescent Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia pyrenaica | Wicke Pyrenäen | Pyrenaean Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia sativa | Wicke Saat | Garden Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia segetalis | Wicke Korn | Common Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia sepium | Wicke Zaun | Bush Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia serinica | Wicke Monte Sirino | Monte Sirino Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia serratifolia | Wicke Gezähnte | Toothed Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia sibthorpii | Wicke Sibthorps | Sibthorp's Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia sicula | Wicke Sizilianische | Sicilian Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia sparsiflora | Wicke Zerstreutblütige | Sparse- flowered Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia sylvatica | Wicke Wald | Wood Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia tenuifolia | Wicke Schmalblättrige | Fine- leaved Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia tetrasperma | Wicke Viersamige | Lentil Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia vicioides | Wicke Maurische | Moorish Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vicia villosa | Wicke Zottel | Winter Vetch | Fabaceae |
Vigna unguiculata | Augenbohne | Cow Pea | Fabaceae |
Vinca difformis | Immergrün Mittleres | Intermediate Periwinkle | Apocynaceae |
Vinca herbaceae | Immergrün Krautiges | Herbacaeous Periwinkle | Apocynaceae |
Vinca major | Immergrün Großes | Bigleaf Periwinkle | Apocynaceae |
Vinca minor | Immergrün Kleines | Common Periwinkle | Apocynaceae |
Vincetoxicum canescens | Schwalbenwurz Graue | Grey Swallow- wort | Apocynaceae |
Vincetoxicum creticum | Schwalbenwurz Kretische | Cretian Swallow- wort | Apocynaceae |
Vincetoxicum funebre | Schwalbenwurz Trauer | Blackish Swallow- wort | Apocynaceae |
Vincetoxicum fuscatum | Schwalbenwurz Braunblütige | Dark- flowered Swallow- wort | Apocynaceae |
Vincetoxicum hirundinaria | Schwalbenwurz Weiße | White Swallow- wort | Apocynaceae |
Vincetoxicum huteri | Schwalbenwurz Huters | Huter's Swalloe- wort | Apocynaceae |
Vincetoxicum nigrum | Schwalbenwurz Schwarze | Black Swallow- wort | Apocynaceae |
Vincetoxicum speciosum | Schwalbenwurz Pracht | Showy Swallow- wort | Apocynaceae |
Viola arvensis | Stiefmütterchen Acker | European Field Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola beckiana | Veilchen Becks | Beck's Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola bertolonii | Veilchen Bertolonis | Bertoloni's Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola calcarata | Veilchen Sporn | Spurred Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola cornuta | Veilchen Horn | Horned Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola dubyana | Veilchen Dubys | Duby's Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola graeca | Veilchen Griechisches | Greek Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola kitaibeliana | Stiefmütterchen Kleines | Duby's Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola lutea | Veilchen Gelbes | Mountain Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola merxmuelleri | Veilchen Merxmüllers | Merxmueller's Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola pseudograeca | Veilchen Olymp | Vourinos Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola sfikasiana | Veilchen Sfikas | Sfikas Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola tricolor | Stiefmütterchen Gewöhnliches | Wild Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola vourinensis | Veilchen Vourinos | Vourinos Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola x cornuta | Hornveilchen Garten | Garden Pansy | Violaceae |
Viola x wittrockiana | Stiefmütterchen Garten | Garden Pansy | Violaceae |
Vitex agnus- castus | Mönchspfeffer Gewöhnlicher | Lilac Chastetree | Lamiaceae |
Vogtia annua | Vogtie Einjährige | Annual Tansy | Asteraceae |
Vogtia annua | Vogtie Einjährige | Annual Tansy | Asteraceae |
Vogtia microphylla | Vogtie Kleinblättrige | Small- leaved Tansy | Asteraceae |
Moosglöckchen Efeu | Ivy- leaved Wahlenbergia | Campanulaceae | |
Moosglöckchen Gelapptes | Lobelia- like Wahlenbergia | Campanulaceae | |
Waldsteinie Gelapptblättrige | Geum- like Waldsteinia | Rosaceae | |
Waldsteinie Dreiblättrige | Siberian Waldsteinia | Rosaceae | |
Washingtonpalme Kalifornische | California Fan Palm | Arecaceae | |
Washingtonpalme Mexikanische | Mexican Fan Palm | Arecaceae | |
Weigela florida | Weigelie Liebliche | Rose Weigela | Caprifoliaceae |
Willemetia stipitata | Krönchenlattich Gewöhnlicher | Petiolate Willemetia | Asteraceae |
Wisteria floribunda | Wisterie Japanische | Japanese Wisteria | Fabaceae |
Wisteria sinensis | Wisterie Chinesische | Chinese Wisteria | Fabaceae |
Withania frutescens | Withanie- Strauch | Shrubby Withania | Solanaceae |
Withania somnifera | Schlafbeere | Mediterranean Withania | Solanaceae |
Wolffia arrhiza | Zwergwasserlinse Wurzellose | Spotless Watermeal | Araceae |
Wolffia columbiana | Zwergwasserlinse Kolumbische | Columbian Watermeal | Araceae |
Woodsia alpina | Wimpernfarn Alpen | Alpine Cliff Fern | Woodsiaceae |
Woodsia ilvensis | Wimpernfarn Rostroter | Rusty Cliff Fern | Woodsiaceae |
Woodsia pulchella | Wimpernfarn Zierlicher | Smooth Cliff Fern | Woodsiaceae |
Kettenfarn Wurzelnder | Rooting Chainfern | Blechnaceae | |
Wulfenia baldaccii | Kuhtritt Albanischer | Albanian Cow's Footstep | Plantaginaceae |
Wulfenia carinthiaca | Kuhtritt Kärntner | Carinthian Cow's Footstep | Plantaginaceae |
Xanthium albinum | Spitzklette Ufer | Riverside Cocklebur | Asteraceae |
Xanthium ambrosioides | Spitzklette Ambrosia | Ambrosia- like Cocklebur | Asteraceae |
Xanthium italicum | Spitzklette Italienische | Italian Cocklebur | Asteraceae |
Xanthium orientale | Spitzklette Großfrüchtige | Rough Cocklebur | Asteraceae |
Xanthium pungens | Spitzklette Stechende | Stinging Cocklebur | Asteraceae |
Xanthium saccharatum | Spitzklette Zucker | Canada Cocklebur | Asteraceae |
Xanthium spinosum | Spitzklette Dornige | Spiny Cocklebur | Asteraceae |
Xanthium strumarium | Spitzklette Gewöhnliche | Common Cocklebur | Asteraceae |
Xanthoselinum alsaticum | Haarstrang Elsässer | Alsatian Parseley | Apiaceae |
Xanthoselinum venetum | Haarstrang Venezianer | Venetian Parseley | Apiaceae |
Xerochrysum bracteatum | Strohblume Garten | Everlasting Strawflower | Asteraceae |
Xerolekia speciosissima | Xerolekie Kleine | Dwarf Oxeye | Asteraceae |
Yucca aloifolia | Palmlilie Aloeblättrige | Spanish Bayonet | Agavengewächse |
Yucca filamentosa | Palmlilie Fädige | Narrow- leaf Yucca | Agavengewächse |
Yucca gloriosa | Palmlilie Kerzen | Moundlily Yucca | Agavengewächse |
Zannichellia palustris | Teichfaden Sumpf | Horned Pondweed | Potamogetonaceae |
Zanthedeschia aethiopica | Zimmerkalla Gewöhnliche | Lily of the nile | Araceae |
Zanthedeschia albomaculata | Zimmerkalla Gefleckte | Spotted Calla | Araceae |
Zanthedeschia elliottiana | Zimmerkalla Goldene | Golden Calla | Araceae |
Zanthedeschia rehmannii | Zimmerkalla Rehmanns | Pink Calla Lily | Araceae |
Zelkova abelicea | Sizilianische Kretische | Cretan Zelkova | Ulmaceae |
Zelkova sicula | Sizilianische Zelkove | Sicilian Zelkova | Ulmaceae |
Zinnia elegans | Zinnie Garten | Garden Zinnia | Asteraceae |
Ziziphora aragonensis | Ziziphora Aragonische | Aragonese Ziziphora | Lamiaceae |
Ziziphora capitata | Ziziphora Kopfige | Capitate Ziziphora | Lamiaceae |
Ziziphora hispanica | Ziziphora Spanische | Spanish Ziziphora | Lamiaceae |
Ziziphora taurica | Ziziphora Taurische | Taurian Ziziphora | Lamiaceae |
Ziziphora tenuior | Ziziphora Schlanke | Slender Ziziphora | Lamiaceae |
Ziziphus jujuba | Jujuba Chinesische | Common Jujube | Lamiaceae |
Ziziphus lotus | Jujuba Lotus | Lotus Jujube | Lamiaceae |
Zostera marina | Seegras Echtes | Common Eelgras | Zosteraceae |
Zostera noltii | Seegras Zwerg | Dwarf Eelgras | Zosteraceae |